ASK PEAUXDUNQUE: Really, Ask Us This Issue’s Inquisitor: M.O. Walsh By J.Ed. Marston, Peauxdunque Review Asst. Editor/Features Editor For this issue, we’re entertaining questions from M.O. Walsh, one of our favorite contemporary writers. In addition to being the...
EDITOR’S LETTER: Issue 4… By Larry Wormington, Peauxdunque Review Editor-in-Chief/Publisher Each of our print issues starts off with a letter written by our Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, Larry Wormington. Issue 4 came out in December 2020, at the end of a hard...
Peauxdunque Album Highlight In this recurring feature, Emily Choate considers the life of an album that’s gone overlooked. Stevie Wonder’s Journey Through the Secret Life of Plants By Emily Choate, Peauxdunque Review Fiction Editor/Music Editor A sprawling,...